Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tulsi and Amalaki for a Longer Life

Mother Nature has really her own way of healing people and maintaining good health and wellness. Amalaki and tulsi are just some of the wonders that Mother Nature has to conceal.

Known as “the great formulator,” you will never know that the amalaki possesses such power and importance in the Ayurvedic medicine. The amalaki is no bigger than a golf ball but its nutritional components are pretty spectacular.

Tulsi, like amalaki, has been used for thousands of years for the many effects and benefits that they bring to a person’s health. Tulsi is known to be an adaptogen, that is, it balances the different processes in the body, helping the body alleviate the effects of stress.

Amaki and tulsi and considered as “elixirs of life.” That is, amalaki and tulsi help us to attain longevity and stronger health.

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